Cloud Solutions
- Before cloud computing solutions, file sharing, application hosting, and data storage were all part of an organizations on-premise servers. This traditional approach necessitates expanding IT infrastructure to assist with company growth.
- Thanks to ITCube cloud solutions, you can alleviate your business pain points as they relate to data storage, applications updates, hosting platforms, and file sharing.
- Hire ITCube to migrate your business to the cloud, but partner with us as your managed IT partner.
The ITCube 5-Step Journey to the Cloud
Understand Your Technology Needs
Is the cloud an option for your organization? When considering migrating to the cloud, your organization first needs to consider email, file sharing, and disaster recovery.
Cloud Readiness Evaluation
Now that you have taken the time to review your technology needs, ITCube will meet with you and use our assessment tools to explore your organization's cloud readiness.
Review Your Results
Based on the results of your cloud readiness assessment, ITCube will show you what it would look like for your organization to be in the cloud, or provide more suitable alternatives.
Build Your Roadmap to the Cloud
Now that you are ready, ITCube will work with you to map out your organization's journey from current technologies to a custom cloud solution that meets all your needs.
Welcome to the Cloud
Congratulations, you made it, Now that you have completed your journey to the cloud, ITCube will partner with you in keeping your cloud environment running smoothly and always up to date.